This is an SRT project in the field of Music Information Retrieval(MIR), aiming at transcribing audio to score.
We aimed at transcribe audio input to score data and represent it by MIDI data or Sheet music.
- Qt Scoreur
- Audio Source Separation
supported by SVD - Onset &Pitch Detection
supported by CQT & SVM - Timbre Classification
supported by NN - Automatic Composer
supported by HMM - Score Typesetting & Editing
interactive user interface

Since the advent of digital music, sound processing technology has been abundantly studied, leading to the development of various algorithms like STFT, wavlet analysis, cepstrum method, adaptive filtering, etc. In addition, digital music is well-organized audio, whose inherent properties may be determined by music theory in some way. Comprehensively combining music theoretical methods with statistics methods makes possible the simulation of human ears as sound processors. The state of the art allows query by humming and audio fingerprint generating, which along with other technologies, demonstrate the matured utilization of those methods.Learn more...